Friday, 20 December 2013

Try Try Again....Single camera pre production

Through out our pre-production for the single camera production. We came across many problems and we ended up in someway or another creating three films.

Our first film was based on horror/crime I wrote the script for this and then we discovered we did not have the finances for this.

Our second film was a romance and once again I wrote the script for this: See below.
FAde In:

[Scene Name]
                    Voice (male): normally in a love story you have the person you meet and fall in love with and then you have the happiness, a small obstacle for them to overcome and they live happily ever after. This time it's not the same. This time...well I'm not too sure. Sometimes you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Until it has completely disappeared and there is nothing left. This is my romance story, because after this story nothing else matters.

(As this voice over is going on watch two people walk down the high street on split screen one a man in a suit listening to his music, another a woman talking on the phone paying no attention to the world walking into people, the man smiling and bobbing along to his music the woman annoyed and rude)

Voice (male): That's me. Yeah the one in a suit, I had just left an interview and as far as I was concerned the world couldn't get any better. I was sure I had nailed it and got the job seeing as how hard it is to come by a decent job these days or a job at all for that matter.
(Watch as walks into a coffee shop orders coffee and walks upstairs)

VOICE (male): So I thought what a better way to celebrate then a good decent coffee and me time, seeing as my house mate was a complete jerk, it's nice to get away from his friends and the Xbox.
(As he sits down another voice over begins)

VOICE (female): I am a woman in a man’s world, the job I have is far too important for anyone. It took me years to get this job and all the work I did for it paid off, that meant I wasn't going to be taken for a mug. People saw me as rude and spiteful...I wasn't I had just learnt a way to deal with people turns out. That can turn out to leave you heart broken and alone.

(Watch a women's feet as she walks)

VOICE (female): Yeah, that's me the bitch over there talking way too loudly on her phone and not caring about anyone or anything. Well that's how I used to be.
(The woman walks into the same coffee shop orders a drink and continues to talk on her phone she walks up the stairs and drops her scarf, the man sitting there picks it up and she goes to pick it up as well, as this happens she drops her coffee,the man pulls out his head phones)

Man: AH, shit I'm sorry

Woman: Its fine really

Man: No no it's not, let me go buy you another one looks like you were enjoying that.

Woman: well I hadn't even got to it.
(Man half smiles runs down stairs as the woman walks over to separate seat cursing quietly putting her scarf in her bag, and hanging up the phone, the man walks up the steps looks to where he was sitting and looks around to see her there, he picks up his things and sits opposite her)

Man: Here (Places coffee on the table) Once again I'm really sorry. That's the problem with long legs.
(She looks up he half smiles and breaks her and she smiles and giggles back)

Woman: Well...thanks, floor coffee isn't really a desired flavor. I’m Stephanie.
(She looks in her bag and pulls out a book lays it on the table and the man looks surprised and smiles)

Man: Alex, nice to meet you. So a book fan...any good?

stephanie: define good.

(He smiles and so does she. He looks into his bag and pulls out the same book.)

alex: This is how I define good

The woman looks at him and smiles, she sips her coffee and they begin to talk about the book

stephanie:I love books. I love that moment when you open one and sink into it, you can escape from the world, into a story that’s way more interesting that yours will ever be. 
Move into a short montage of them talking as cups build up on the table and they talk for hours. cut quickly away from the music to the life of the coffee shop.

alex: I’ll be right back bear with.
Stephanie begins to pack her stuff up the camera moves to her hands and she writes her number on a napkin fold it and place it into the book. she gets up and leaves.alex returns to see her gone disapointment in his face he picks up the book about to leave as the napkin drops on his lap he looks at it and smiles, stands and leaves.
cut to a black screen with the phone ringing sound

Stephanie: hello?

Alex: Uhm..hi

Stephanie: Who is this?

Alex:Its alex, from the coffee shop. I guess I should have started with that.

Stephanie: So?

Alex: er..yeah

Stephanie: cinema 7oclock..(Hangs up dead tone)

montage of happy thing’s
Alex walks along the street its late he walks to a house and through the window you see stephanie with a mystery man,He turns on his heel very quickly in anger,you can clearly see it in his expression. he storms through his front door and sits on a couch a shot of his phone with stephanies number he click the call button screan goes blank.

Ringing noise

Stephanie: Hello?

Alex: Who is he?

Stephanie: What are you talking about?

Alex: Don’t lie to me Stephanie…

Stephanie: (Pause) what where you doing at my house anyway…We weren’t meant to see each other.

Alex: Have you never heard of romance. I was trying to surprise you. Would appear you were otherwise occupied.

Stephanie: You know you’re an idiot, before you make assumptions ask… seeing as I have to explain myself to you he is my sister’s fiancé…You know Katie.

Alex: But…

Stephanie: He came to ask advice on how to surprise her with something. Look I love you. And no one else.

Alex: Oh, I love you too. I’m sorry.

Stephanie: Good night Alex.

Hangs up. dead tone.
small scene in the house.

Greg: Babe who was that? Everything okay?

Stephanie: Oh, yeah that’s Katie’s fiancé, nothing to worry about.
she kisses him and the camera moves down as
Cut back to the coffee shop different day, Greg walks in alex sees him, takes a deep breath and walks over too him.

Alex: Hello

Greg: Uhm…hello

Alex: I’m friends with Stephanie.

Greg: Oh yeah.You were on the phone yesterday. I know it’s none of my business. But is everything okay? Stephanie sounded very aggravated.

Alex: If I’m honest no. The girl I’m in love with is slowly pulling away. I want to be with her all day every day. She is the only one I can dream of being with.

Greg: Why are you sitting here then, If she is the girl you’re in love why are you sitting here like a sap. Go get her. Don’t lose her.
Later that night alex walks down the street with flowers behind his back. he knocks on the door and waits. the door begins to open and greg is standing there. awkward moment as alex drops the flowers.

Stephanie: Babe who’s at the door?
long drawn out shot of silence, stephanie walks around the corner too see them both standing at the door.stephanie standing in gregs shirt from the coffee shop. greg grabs alex by the collar and pushes him against the wall.

alex: What the fuck is going on here.

Greg: What are you doing here? AT MY FIANCES HOUSE!

Alex: Wait what! Your fiancé? THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND.

Greg: Steph? Steph! You lied to me. I have given you everything. I have never denied you. And now..
Greg grabs his coat and walks away pushing past alex, alex says nothing as stephanie looks as though she is going to say something. he shakes his head and he turns and walks away in moves back slowly and she is left standing alone in the door.

back at the coffee shop time has passed alex is sitting in the same spot they met stephanie walks through the door she looks as if she is going to walk over to him and he puts his head phones in picks up his book and ignores her.

VOICE (female): It’s funny how you start as strangers. You develop emotions and end as strangers. I learnt that day that what I had done had turned a good man into the man he would never have been. I have ruined a good man. And he will corrupt another woman. Sometimes they are right when they say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. The world ruins one person who destroys another a before you know it its war. I am no longer that woman.
We then filmed which took us one day in total we had prepared a day plan prop plan and the noises we would need
Then it came to editing and we discovered this film had many faults in the editing process the story was not comprehendible, the sound wasn't the best and the acting was awful. And none of us where proud of the work. With only one week to go we decided to create a third film. We went out and in one night with no script and no real plan shot a film. And once again we encountered problems.
Due to short notice of the filming we couldn't get hold of a microphone meaning the words spoken by the actors couldn't be heard we then decided to dub the entire film. which took us about three hours in total. We finally edited the final film with the A.D.R we then decided on instrumentals for the background music in particular RnB music we used music made by other artist's as we felt we didn't have time to create music of our own. We felt that we should create some white noise so we added that in our selves. We made sure the gradient of the music was at the right levels so you could hear the A.D.R sound and that it created the correct feeling of the film we where looking for.
However I don't feel this is my best work and that everything has been against us in this project however we have all tried our best during this time. And have all worked together through out all the things that have gone with this project.

The Final Film

This is our final film this was a very hard process for us, its called third time lucky because this is the third film we attempted to make. We came across many problems while making our film. We had many sound issues and because we didn't have as much time for this film as the others potentially had. Meaning the sound is not as well done. When we reviewed the footage for this piece we realised the sound was very bad and had to recreate the voices with out one of the original actors in the film.

We had a lot of problems creating our single camera production and if i could do it again there is a lot i would do differently. I do not believe this is my best work and that it reflects my sound work either. 

Here is the link for our film

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Ident Research


I have found and ident that has a similar theme to mine except it is for itv2, It has make-up elements and then shows a nail varnish bottle fall over to create the final image you see. The itv2 logo appears in the beginning and follows the mess as it moves down with the camera. It then slowly merges with the background. 

The purpose for this ident is to obviously make you aware that this is the itv2 channel rather than the itv one channel. 
Which has a different colour scene unlike itv2 which is mainly green. It would also be used for the type of programming to come afterwards. Such as a Jeremy kyle or daytime tv for those house wives. 

The intent for this ident is to make viewers watch the programmes and remember the channel. This was released in 2008 when make-up and lifestyle programmes where big on tv. 

The design of this is similar to the last yet very different, it uses a creative way of showing make-up in a different light. There are flying nail varnish bottles and lipstick guns. It has a very royal feel to it and makes the channel look very distinctive and different from other. 

The purpose of this is once again is to make viewers watch their channel. This ident is verity different from there normal ident which looks like this:

The intent of this purpose is pretty much the same as the last its made to make you notice and  then hope you talk about it meaning others will encourage viewers to watch the channel. 


We had to make a personalised ident for our production company. I chose to name mine "go make-up messy" which apples because i want to create my own make-up company. I originally made the bit inside the mirror.
And then decided it needed something else to make it stand out from other indents. I then put it into a senario where i feel make-up was at its best. in the 1940's i then added the background scene and then finally added the music to create the final touch. 

Target Audience
The target audience for my ident are 16-24 year olds and particularly female. I've chosen a make-up company and personally i don't think men are going to be interested. 

Ident ideas. 

I came up with two different ideas before i came up with this. I made a rough picture on photoshop these where my first ideas. 

I thought the idea of the slashes appearing on a make-up palet would create a great effect but then decided it looked boring and wasn't effective.

I then moved onto the idea of the ident being in a mirror which lead to my final idea. And my inspiration for my final ident choice. I decided to use a picture from the 1930's or in a 1930's style because i felt the make up was classy and at its best in this tim. 

Friday, 13 December 2013

After Effects Lesson 6

For this tracking piece we were given a small clip of a green dot moving. We then had to track that using the track motion button. After that we then put an animation over the top of the humming bird using the motion target meaning it would follow the path of the green dot making it appear as though its flying across the page. We used one point tracking for this.

This woman was used as an example of a client who wishes to remain anonymous. We once again used the track motion button and tracked the path of her head and eyes moving. We then created a black box and once again used the motion target button so it would follow the motion we had already tracked. For this we one we used two point tracking. 

For this piece we where given some footage of a tv moving we where then given a picture to place on the tv as the tv was blank. For this once again we used the 4 point tracking system first wet had to find the contrast of the tv between light and dark. Otherwise the tracker wouldn't be able to follow the movement of the television. We then once again used the motion target button and added the picture to the overlay. 

After Effects Lesson 5

In todays lesson we created a complex animation with multiple layers.
 We also adjusted the duration of each layers. 
We then learnt how to make a still clip into a live motion video using shape layers. 
We then started to animate with Position, Scale, and Rotation keyframes which then took us onto animation a precomposed layer.
 We then applied the radio waves effects to a solid layer and added audio to a project. We then looped an audio track using remapping.

After Effects Lesson 3

Today we learnt about animating text. 
 We went into the character and paragraph panels and stylised the text.
 Using the text animation presets we customised the text and previewed the animation. We then went back to keyframes which we learnt in the first week and applied some to this piece. 
We then learnt about parenting which helped us to move layers about with ease. 
Text was then imported from Adobe Photoshop and we used a text animator group to animate selected characters on a layer. A text animation was then applied to a graphic object to finish our project. 

After effects lesson 4

In todays lesson we learnt about creating custom shapes and changing their fill and stroke. We then transformed the shapes using the path operations, animated the shapes and repeated the shapes. We then explored design options using the brainstorm feature. We finished off the project by adding a cartoon effect to a video layer. 

After effects lesson 2

This lesson helped us to remember and practice some of the skills we learnt in the last lesson.
We set up a new composition and imported footage. We also worked with layers and with file types such as Adobe Illustrator.
We then used effects such as drop-shadow, emboss, and other animation presets.
We then adjusted the time of the animation preset and pre-composed the layers.
We then added a dissolve transition effect and adjusted the transparency of a layer. As there are different types of viewing, we were taught to render the animation for broadcast use.

After Effects Lesson one

This was our introduction into After Effects. We started by creating a new project. We then learnt how to import footage and how to create a new composition to match that footage. We also arranged layers which helped us to navigate the interface better. We then went onto applying basic keyframes and effects. 

48 hour challenge

We where given 48 hours to make a short film between 5-10 mins. Not only this but we where told the genre it had to be and we had to include one line we where given.

Sounds hard right?

It was.

The genre we where given was Drama.

And the live we where given was "Hey matthew when your watching tv what do you see?"

Our short film is about a man who has multiple personality disorder. But the person inside his head is a woman. And she makes everyday life a struggle for him nothing is easy.
And then it all gets to much when she faces him for the last time.

So here is the video please enjoy!

Remakes and Re-boots (Charlie and the Chocolate factory)

What country and era was  each version made in and what impact this might have on each of the way the versions where made.
15th July 2005- (USA)
30TH June 1971 (USA)

What the budgets were of each version and how this might impact production.
1971- $3,000,000

Are the intended audiences for each version the same?
These films aren’t intended for the same audience’s the 2005 version follows the same main story line as the 1971 version but the two subplots differ greatly. For example the original is more focused on Charlie himself where as the 2005 version focuses on wonka..But look at the titles. Confusing huh? Well that’s the world of wonka.

Were there any other successful films that made have had an impact on the production of this remake?
This year wasn’t really about successful films it was more about successful genres, Fantasy was a big thing of the time. With the release of corpse bride, star wars 3, Harry potter and the Goblet of fire and the chronicles of Narnia. All of these films made the genre of fantasy a popular thing this was the year for fantasy.

What social or political issues were going on at the time of each version?
The social and political issues in these films aren’t based on events during the year, they are based on events and situations that are on going, to do with our children and they way we bought up, is it okay that wonka doesn’t care that the children have been injured through their own fault? Are we to be ashamed of the parents for the up bringing or wonka for his dismissal of the children, in the way it is suggested.

Were the reasons for the remake artistic or financial?

Personally I find that the remake of willy wonka was mainly for financial benefit, it was seen as you put Tim burtons name on it and its sure to reach a wide audience and people are going to want to spend the money to see it. Even Gene wilder him self said it was an “insult” and said “its all about the money” to then finish it off by saying “its just some people sitting around thinking how can we make some more money? Why else would you remake Willy wonka? I don’t see the point of going over it again.”

How was each version marketed?
The main marketing techn ique for the 2005 remake of Willy Wonka was the “the willy wonka candy company” by nestle. A small range of wonka bars where launched. The 1971 film didn’t really have any marketing techniques even without the marketing like the 2005 version it still made $4,000,000.

How did production and distribution technology impact on the production of each version?

In 1971 the internet as we know it wasn’t a big thing, if a thing at all. So spreading trailers and making the news go viral wasn’t as easy. It was all down too posters and radio campaigns. It wasn’t as easy to make a film as wide spread as you can now. But they had a good go at it.

How was news of the remake/reboot received by modern audiences?  How did modern audiences respond to the new version once it had been released?

Each child is based on one of the deadly sins.


For the first shoot we kept the blocking to a basic minimum and for the second shoot we used character movement and action.


What were you testing?
We were testing to see how much of an improvement blocking made to a scene.

What are you trying to achieve?
By doing so we hoped that it would give us a better insight into how the final scene would look if we used blocking.

Plan the scene 
We thought of a scene and had a rough idea of the script. The idea revolves around two men accusing another man of stealing money. That was the basic plot of the script but other than that it was all improvised.

We shot each scene twice through and I uploaded the best version of each one. Although this was a practice for a single camera drama shoot, we used two cameras to see which angle looked best.

I feel as though blocking makes a huge difference to the scene as an overall and adds a lot of emotion to the scene. 

Single camera drama outline

I will be working with Alice, Michael and Aiden.

Our first plan for the single single camera drama was about a girl who is struggling with life and her friend manages to convince her to try drugs to take away some of the stress of life. She ends up overdosing and dying and her father goes on a revenge hunt to try and avenge his daughters life.

We then decided after much thought that we don't have a big enough budget (or one at all) for this production so we have begun a new idea this Is called utopia love this is of a couple who fall in love in a coffee shop. They have there ups and downs only to come to an end when it is discovered that the main female character has been engaged all along. A love triangle with a meaning.

We shot the film to then discover that it was not up to our standards. With not much time left we decided to shoot a new film about a homeless boy and a very rich woman who once again meet over a mutual love but because of the difference in lifestyle the woman calls it of.

After many problems this final story seems to have worked out.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Sound Pre-Production

Sound: Pre-Production (Pass Level)

Audio techniques too be used:

  • Foley
  • Digetic and Non-Digetic sound

List of required sound recordings:

  • Coffee shop sound
  • Conversations 
  • Background music
  • Montage Music x 2


  • Rode Video Mic (Aka boom mic)
  • Rode 3m VC1 Minijack 3.5mm stereo Extension cable
  • Wind Shield

Sound Editing(Things I need to know): 

  • Mixing voices: -6;-12
  • Music lower
  • Using garage band, Sound track Pro 
  • Mixing and effects


Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Big Relaunch

Saved By The Bell
Saved by the bell was a show centred around six students and their time at their high school in California. It ran from 1989-1993. This show in its self was a retool of a disney channel series called, Good Morning Miss Bliss.
This show ended with the graduation for the cast that everyone had grown to love and know. This show was aired on prime time Tv. The producers aired one show following the movement of the students in a pilot episode of saved by the bell: The college Years. This show only lasted for one season and only had 19 episodes in the series they also tried to release a new cast. Fact of the matters is it just wasn't the same.

It did have a hit and had 7 seasons with 143 episodes in total.

So how are we going to bring it back?
Saved by the bell will never be the same but it was a much loved series that amused all.
Ever wondered what happened to dear little screech?

My Idea
We could bring this back with a new cast completely and a new head teacher. but who is the head teacher then the much loved and adored cast member who played the sweet screech. It would be ironic to have him back in his old school.

It could be quirky and funny with the new head master teaching the students the ways of back when. It could go two ways with the idea of following the new head master and his little mishaps or follow the new 6 students and recreate much loved comical moments.

Of which would work I'm not too sure.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Fears in Hollywood

Today we looked into the fears in hollywood also knows as the "bad guys". "bad guys" can be portrayed in many ways they don't have to be a human character.

We where given two decades to research ours where 2010 and 1970's 

For 2010 the hollywood fears consist of:
Boming/Overseas terrorism
Cyber attacks
Natural disasters
drug dealers 
And Genetic Engineering 

Our films to back this up consist of:
Zero dark 30
and White house down.

All of these film consist of terrorist attack on the government be in in the usa or uk.

we also have:
100 degrees below zero
2012: ice age

These are based on natural disasters. Close to them being released natural disasters where happening all over the world. For example the volcanic eruption that made a cloud that concerned the entity of Europe. Covering the sun too long could have been disastrous the temperature could drop and the world would freeze.

A lot of films in 2010 onwards have drugs in the title for example love and other drugs and many others. This is a concern that will always be on our mind. And will always be relatable too, cyber attacks are increasingly growing stronger as our understand of the web grows there have been many threats to the us government with overseas hackers and the revelations are terrifying.

And last but not least genetic engineering, the amazing spider man is a way to show this. Its not as such a "bad guy" in the film but a hazard non the less. The thoughts on genetic engineering and the problems it could cause are again becoming increasingly worrying to the public and those who just don't quite understand it. 

The main fears in the 1970's consists of Russia and the Communists

This fear continues from the continuation of the cold war.  The fear of russia was because they had the nuclear weapons that could destroy the world and the risk of WW3 was on the back of everyones minds. 

The films to back up the fears was the executioner, it was a spy film and guess what the bad guys where russian spy's. The next film was Limbo (1972) about a widow who's husband had died in war and the realisation of how bad the war was, she then started an anti war protest. 

Extra info
There is something our class noticed throughout the decades a lot of fears and thoughts where re-ocuring. And they stayed in the back of our minds. Things continue to happen that scare the public and create great stories and plots for hollywood. As the are relatable at the time.  Which makes it understandable why there are so many remakes and re boots.

A film that could be remade.
A lot of spy films are remade for the era, for example the fear of terrorism in all its manners. Threats in skyfall could be changed from the fear of terrorist attacks to Russian war fare and russian spy's.

You could also remake the executioner and change the Russian spy's to islamic spy's for the al queda. 

Just and idea. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Remakes and Reboots

What is is a remake?
A Remake it make something again or differently. In film its something that has been filmed again.

For example.
Psycho has a remake in colour.

What is a reboot?
A reboot is taking a film and giving it a new look for example batman has been rebooted many times and so has spider man and super man. Its making a film keep up with the times and create a wider audience and keep the only fans connected.

We where given the task of making promotional poster for a remake of the pirates of the Caribbean. We where not aloud to use the same actors in the previous films and its being made in 2020.

The idea we used was space pirates of the Caribbean.
Here is our poster:

Monday, 14 October 2013

Twilight Essay/ Pat/ 14/10/2013

Twilight Essay.

The expectations for twilight films where huge because the books had sold over 116 million copies worldwide and was translated into 38 different languages. There was also a huge fan base following the story of the vampire and werewolf romance.  The film made over $3 million dollars in the worldwide box office.  The fact that this was a book turned into a film the fans are expecting great things they each individually have their own ideas and images for the characters. Twilight had such a huge fan base that getting it wrong was not an option.

The film was originally represented by the marketing team as quite a dark and Gothic themed film. The fans of the book were outraged by the fact that they had made it look like such a dark film. And people where interpreting it as a gothic fight film. When the fans of the book saw it as romance between two people and that was to them the main theme of the film.  During the film many things where changed due to location and possibility, for example Bella has scene where she runs away from two of the vampires, in the book she runs away in the airport in the film she runs away in the hotel.

The film was mainly marketed and teen girls who loved the idea of forbidden romance. But it was also marketed at those who hadn’t read the book, it was done very subtly and badly. The posters only considered of the two main characters on the front with the quote “when you can live forever what can you live for?”  this tells you the slightest bit of story in one sentence. They also included fight scenes and cars in the trailers to draw in a male audience.

It was well denied that test screening where not done for certain films in the twilight saga.( Much to fans disappointment. But producers still got their feed back weather they wanted it or not. Fans hit the internet creating websites and blogs. Either praising or completely destroying the film. Book fans did not completely agree with certain points of the films. Especially in the very final film it was said in many screening of breaking dawn; part 2 people got up and walked out. As it was not accurate to the book. And the directors creative ideas where not appreciated. Fans hated the ending and rating’s fell. It was said by many fans “piss poor ending” and “literally nothing happens” (rotten tomatoes)

The Fan culture of this book was huge to the point where teenage girls almost wanting to die to become a vampire. The idea of vampirism became a cult. Females all over the world where crying over the love story. Thousands of people would go to the midnight releases of the film.  There is an official twilight convention but the more favourable choice was known as twicon an unofficial convention with over 3000 people attending. And starts from the film appearing making it a hit.
In brazil there was a interactive marketing campaign in the subways in brazil this was part of an international campaign. These interactive posters are part of an international promotion for 'Twilight.' They were placed in Sao Paulo subways in honor of the release of 'Twilight' in Brazil. The subway installation featured animated videos of 'Twilight' characters like Robert Patterson’s Edward, entertaining content, a touch-screen interface, and the option to have additional contact sent to passengers' mobile phones via Bluetooth.

As this craze took power and over took other groups and fans. The merchandise was ridiculous. From bags to jewellery shirts and cups badges. You name it you could buy it. Even to the point where the merchandise was so obsessive you could by “adult” content depending on if you where team Edward or team Jacob. The fact that the fan base had divided into hard core Edward and Jacob fans made merchandise double as you could make double everything with the desired team written on it. The official numbers total to over $3 million dollars just in merchandise alone.
Hollywood was smart they knew what teen girls where like not only did they get involved in the film they became obsessed. They knew that they would not only talk about the film but they would tweet and blog they even got tattoos inspired by them .There was a study to show that 86% of the viewers planned to go back again 56% with friends or boy friends and 24% with their mums or daughters. And so became the Tweenies’’, Twilight moms and the Twihard Emo boys who died to look like the vamp that had all the girls hearts. This fact alone proved to Hollywood that the impact of word of mouth and obsession was becoming huge. (

As we know the books sold a huge amount and the films where only going to get bigger. The total revenue by the end of the twilight saga mounted up to a huge $3,352,322,180 The first twilight film made just under $4 million pounds alone.
It was screened worldwide on November 21st 2008. The film New Moon part of the twilight saga is ranked 3rd highest opening weekend in domestic history. The film also has the sixth highest worldwide opening.  This film also holds the biggest advance ticket seller on fandango, leaving behind the past titleholder star wars episode 3: Revenge of the sith.

Twilight not only hit the hearts of the fans but also created cults and groups. TV series such as South Park, Glee, Gossip Girl and the Vampire Diaries. But it hit loads of other TV shows as well. Not only tv shows but a few on stage shows took a bite as well. It also encouraged the film vampire’s suck. A spoof film for those who weren’t too big on the twilight hype and quite frankly wanted to see them burn. The references in so many TV shows screamed to the world just how popular this film/craze had become. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

Pat 26/9/13 ( conventions)


Today we talked about conventions large and small we looked at comic con international,D23 and Fan expo canada we looked at the scale of them and how huge the fans are. Over 135,000 people went to the sand Diego comic con. 

We also researched to find other conventions large and small I found the Star Trek convention. Which holds the record for the most amount of people in a Star Trek costume (1063) a true trekies dream. 

We also looked at rotten tomato the website which takes reviews from professional critics and from fan views. We looked at the dramatic differences from fans loving the film and critics hating them and the other way around. 

It was interesting to see what critics found interesting compared to the fans. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Pat 19/09/13

Test screening

A test screen is a preview of a movie or a television show before general release. This is done to grasp the audiences reaction. This is done by asking to complete a questionnaire the most famous question being "would you recommend this to a friend" if no is below 70% there is something wrong and things will be changed for example

Pretty woman's ending was changed as originally the script was a lot grittier. The ending which was actually shot and screened saw Richard gere's business man dump Julia Roberts with a heart of gold. The studio preferred a happy ending. And they fall in love and love happily ever after. 

Interactive marketing. 
Is about getting a fan base involved and pretty much saying if you get involved we will give you something e.i a teaser trailer, a poster etc

There are many time's when interactive marketing is very popular. One of the best I have seen is batman. The release of the joker. A website was loaded and for every email sent by a fan led to a pixel of the picture being released. They also released a real life treasure hunt around big cities in the U.S. There was also a 1 min teaser trailer released of nothing but the symbol of batman. If this doesn't hype up a fan base what will? As it happened the dark night made over 1 billion dollars in box office. Job well done.