Friday, 20 December 2013

Try Try Again....Single camera pre production

Through out our pre-production for the single camera production. We came across many problems and we ended up in someway or another creating three films.

Our first film was based on horror/crime I wrote the script for this and then we discovered we did not have the finances for this.

Our second film was a romance and once again I wrote the script for this: See below.
FAde In:

[Scene Name]
                    Voice (male): normally in a love story you have the person you meet and fall in love with and then you have the happiness, a small obstacle for them to overcome and they live happily ever after. This time it's not the same. This time...well I'm not too sure. Sometimes you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Until it has completely disappeared and there is nothing left. This is my romance story, because after this story nothing else matters.

(As this voice over is going on watch two people walk down the high street on split screen one a man in a suit listening to his music, another a woman talking on the phone paying no attention to the world walking into people, the man smiling and bobbing along to his music the woman annoyed and rude)

Voice (male): That's me. Yeah the one in a suit, I had just left an interview and as far as I was concerned the world couldn't get any better. I was sure I had nailed it and got the job seeing as how hard it is to come by a decent job these days or a job at all for that matter.
(Watch as walks into a coffee shop orders coffee and walks upstairs)

VOICE (male): So I thought what a better way to celebrate then a good decent coffee and me time, seeing as my house mate was a complete jerk, it's nice to get away from his friends and the Xbox.
(As he sits down another voice over begins)

VOICE (female): I am a woman in a man’s world, the job I have is far too important for anyone. It took me years to get this job and all the work I did for it paid off, that meant I wasn't going to be taken for a mug. People saw me as rude and spiteful...I wasn't I had just learnt a way to deal with people turns out. That can turn out to leave you heart broken and alone.

(Watch a women's feet as she walks)

VOICE (female): Yeah, that's me the bitch over there talking way too loudly on her phone and not caring about anyone or anything. Well that's how I used to be.
(The woman walks into the same coffee shop orders a drink and continues to talk on her phone she walks up the stairs and drops her scarf, the man sitting there picks it up and she goes to pick it up as well, as this happens she drops her coffee,the man pulls out his head phones)

Man: AH, shit I'm sorry

Woman: Its fine really

Man: No no it's not, let me go buy you another one looks like you were enjoying that.

Woman: well I hadn't even got to it.
(Man half smiles runs down stairs as the woman walks over to separate seat cursing quietly putting her scarf in her bag, and hanging up the phone, the man walks up the steps looks to where he was sitting and looks around to see her there, he picks up his things and sits opposite her)

Man: Here (Places coffee on the table) Once again I'm really sorry. That's the problem with long legs.
(She looks up he half smiles and breaks her and she smiles and giggles back)

Woman: Well...thanks, floor coffee isn't really a desired flavor. I’m Stephanie.
(She looks in her bag and pulls out a book lays it on the table and the man looks surprised and smiles)

Man: Alex, nice to meet you. So a book fan...any good?

stephanie: define good.

(He smiles and so does she. He looks into his bag and pulls out the same book.)

alex: This is how I define good

The woman looks at him and smiles, she sips her coffee and they begin to talk about the book

stephanie:I love books. I love that moment when you open one and sink into it, you can escape from the world, into a story that’s way more interesting that yours will ever be. 
Move into a short montage of them talking as cups build up on the table and they talk for hours. cut quickly away from the music to the life of the coffee shop.

alex: I’ll be right back bear with.
Stephanie begins to pack her stuff up the camera moves to her hands and she writes her number on a napkin fold it and place it into the book. she gets up and leaves.alex returns to see her gone disapointment in his face he picks up the book about to leave as the napkin drops on his lap he looks at it and smiles, stands and leaves.
cut to a black screen with the phone ringing sound

Stephanie: hello?

Alex: Uhm..hi

Stephanie: Who is this?

Alex:Its alex, from the coffee shop. I guess I should have started with that.

Stephanie: So?

Alex: er..yeah

Stephanie: cinema 7oclock..(Hangs up dead tone)

montage of happy thing’s
Alex walks along the street its late he walks to a house and through the window you see stephanie with a mystery man,He turns on his heel very quickly in anger,you can clearly see it in his expression. he storms through his front door and sits on a couch a shot of his phone with stephanies number he click the call button screan goes blank.

Ringing noise

Stephanie: Hello?

Alex: Who is he?

Stephanie: What are you talking about?

Alex: Don’t lie to me Stephanie…

Stephanie: (Pause) what where you doing at my house anyway…We weren’t meant to see each other.

Alex: Have you never heard of romance. I was trying to surprise you. Would appear you were otherwise occupied.

Stephanie: You know you’re an idiot, before you make assumptions ask… seeing as I have to explain myself to you he is my sister’s fiancé…You know Katie.

Alex: But…

Stephanie: He came to ask advice on how to surprise her with something. Look I love you. And no one else.

Alex: Oh, I love you too. I’m sorry.

Stephanie: Good night Alex.

Hangs up. dead tone.
small scene in the house.

Greg: Babe who was that? Everything okay?

Stephanie: Oh, yeah that’s Katie’s fiancé, nothing to worry about.
she kisses him and the camera moves down as
Cut back to the coffee shop different day, Greg walks in alex sees him, takes a deep breath and walks over too him.

Alex: Hello

Greg: Uhm…hello

Alex: I’m friends with Stephanie.

Greg: Oh yeah.You were on the phone yesterday. I know it’s none of my business. But is everything okay? Stephanie sounded very aggravated.

Alex: If I’m honest no. The girl I’m in love with is slowly pulling away. I want to be with her all day every day. She is the only one I can dream of being with.

Greg: Why are you sitting here then, If she is the girl you’re in love why are you sitting here like a sap. Go get her. Don’t lose her.
Later that night alex walks down the street with flowers behind his back. he knocks on the door and waits. the door begins to open and greg is standing there. awkward moment as alex drops the flowers.

Stephanie: Babe who’s at the door?
long drawn out shot of silence, stephanie walks around the corner too see them both standing at the door.stephanie standing in gregs shirt from the coffee shop. greg grabs alex by the collar and pushes him against the wall.

alex: What the fuck is going on here.

Greg: What are you doing here? AT MY FIANCES HOUSE!

Alex: Wait what! Your fiancé? THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND.

Greg: Steph? Steph! You lied to me. I have given you everything. I have never denied you. And now..
Greg grabs his coat and walks away pushing past alex, alex says nothing as stephanie looks as though she is going to say something. he shakes his head and he turns and walks away in moves back slowly and she is left standing alone in the door.

back at the coffee shop time has passed alex is sitting in the same spot they met stephanie walks through the door she looks as if she is going to walk over to him and he puts his head phones in picks up his book and ignores her.

VOICE (female): It’s funny how you start as strangers. You develop emotions and end as strangers. I learnt that day that what I had done had turned a good man into the man he would never have been. I have ruined a good man. And he will corrupt another woman. Sometimes they are right when they say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. The world ruins one person who destroys another a before you know it its war. I am no longer that woman.
We then filmed which took us one day in total we had prepared a day plan prop plan and the noises we would need
Then it came to editing and we discovered this film had many faults in the editing process the story was not comprehendible, the sound wasn't the best and the acting was awful. And none of us where proud of the work. With only one week to go we decided to create a third film. We went out and in one night with no script and no real plan shot a film. And once again we encountered problems.
Due to short notice of the filming we couldn't get hold of a microphone meaning the words spoken by the actors couldn't be heard we then decided to dub the entire film. which took us about three hours in total. We finally edited the final film with the A.D.R we then decided on instrumentals for the background music in particular RnB music we used music made by other artist's as we felt we didn't have time to create music of our own. We felt that we should create some white noise so we added that in our selves. We made sure the gradient of the music was at the right levels so you could hear the A.D.R sound and that it created the correct feeling of the film we where looking for.
However I don't feel this is my best work and that everything has been against us in this project however we have all tried our best during this time. And have all worked together through out all the things that have gone with this project.

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