Thursday, 24 April 2014

The character tree- 24/4/14

“The Character tree”- Film Crit Hulk
Screenwriting 101

The hunters
Sarah and Katie.

What does this person Look like?
Short 5’4” Blonde hair curly, She likes to straighten it.
Wears denim shorts and a leather jacket.
Has one side of her hair pinned back and very simplistic make-up slightly winged at the side. She also has a lip piercing on one side of her face.
Where do they live?
With the other hunter Sarah, In a tent as they travel around a lot. She has no solid home.
Where did they go to school?
Her father and mother home schooled her before they died when she was 16 ever since she has educated herself.
Do they have tattoos and why?
No, because she hasn’t had the time she would like to in the future. To depict her life and adventures.
Who is their best friend?
Sarah she has lived with her since she was 17 when they first discovered their families crossed paths looking for the same book.
What is their occupation?
She is a hunter, She hunts down magical artefacts with her best friend Sarah it has been a job their families have done for generations. The only people who know are the ones who need to.

Groin and Guts
What does this person WANT?
She wants to kill her ex boyfriend who is possessed because he killed her brother, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

How does their sexuality manifest itself?
She has loved many partners but they never really last, she yearns for the attention that a parent would give her from a lover. She is confident to get what she wants and will happily assert her place.
What do they feel about the classic sins?
If its fun it’s not a sin, you have to do what you do to live through life. Otherwise you are not living life at all. She is a very envious and proud person. To her none of this is a sin, it’s who she is and you will have to deal with it.
What about them is really basic and puerile?
She likes to get what she want’s if not she can turn quite nasty. She is sarcastic and sometimes quite rude. But enjoys living life in the moment even if that means building a fort made out of twigs just because she can she will. (Her childhood was taken so she lives it everyday she can)

What does this person NEED?
She need’s to learn to deal with the idea of loosing someone. She would be a much better person for it. She would be in a much nicer life balance. She also needs to find someone or something that wont leave.
What will make them a more functional person?
A stable home, and family. She needs a balance. And to learn to communicate her feelings more openly without the use of violence or death.
Do they need to find self-confidence? Humility?
She is already a very self-confident person; she also doesn’t need to find humility as her job is unrewarding as no one knows about it.
Do they need to provide for their family?
She has no family other than her friend Sarah they both provide together as one is not dominant over the other they are a team, Sarah is the only family Katie has knows for a long time.

How does the person sound?
She has a high-pitched voice and slightly strained through crying. At night when no one is around.
How do they project themselves?
She projects herself through yelling and screaming. But she sometimes projects her voice to the floor so you loose words.
How do they try to come off?
She try’s to come off as a strong a powerful individual who does not need the aid of others.
How do they actually come off to people?
She comes across as powerful and individual with a hint of mystery. They see her as slightly rude and very sarcastic. She shows that she is in charge as soon as she is present.

Left Cheek
What is their intelligence?
She is not very intelligent due to lack of schooling. Her intelligence comes through when in situations not expected by others. And in situations most people of the modern day would not be able to cope with.
How does this manifest itself?
She is good in emergency situations and those which need outdoor experience she can fight very well and kill quietly.
How practical are they?
For her line of work very important, and practical but in the real world her knowledge would be useless.
How do they solve problems?
She solves problems by being hot headed her first idea is her best and she follows her gut instinct and her senses.  Her senses are better then most due to being away from modern technologies most of her life.

Right cheek
What is their creative capacity?
She is very creative with the way she survives and uses her logic. When it comes to painting and drawing she would not be interested.
What elements are not practical?
The fact that she has no other thoughts but revenge are not practical she gets distracted by the thoughts of fighting and her inner anger she does not release or talk about.
What is their spirituality?
She is very one with nature but does not believe in a god. She is thankful for the sun because that is the only reason she gets up in the morning; if the sun were gone the world would die.  She looks after her environment as she does not use cars or anything modernised.

The Crown
Review your answers. Do they represent a consistent character psychology?
I think this character does have a consistent phycology.

What are their defining memories?
Her parents dying, watching the death of her brother committed by a lover. Her adventure’s of hunting artefact’s and magic items and beings.
How, in a nutshell do they behave?
 She is a strong and individual character with a lot of pain behind her eyes. She has lost nearly everyone who has been close to her except for her friend Sarah.  She tries to come across as happy but will often come across as rude and sarcastic as her way of coping. She yearns for love and affection but she has persuaded herself it will never be.

She tries to think logically but life has thrown so much                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     her way she is a hot headed mess.

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