Wednesday, 15 January 2014

After Effects Castles

Today we created set extensions, We firstly imported the film of the man walking and then the other elements i.e.: the castles we then created a new composition based on the settings of the clips. We then switched the worskapce to tracker. We used to tracking points they where set up so the first fell off the screen and the second one could take over. We set both tracks to null layers. We then made a new null layer and parented it to the first. 

We moved forward to frame 178 which is as far as the man walks forward. we then exported a still frame and imported into photoshop. We scaled the photo down we removed the castle background by using the colour range option. We then duplicated the grass and feathering the edges to make it look more natural. we then duplicated the castles and made them get smaller with perspective. 

We precomposed the elements and blended them into the scene using the hue, saturation and curves. We finished it off with an adjustment layer and added a photo filter so it looked all the same colour.

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