Friday, 28 March 2014

Final Major Project-Production Diary

Script Writing- November 2013- January 2014
Research: November 2013-Jan 2014
Idea Generation October 2013

Casting (Started)  6th March 2014
Audition date: 11th March 9:30am-1:30am
Final Choice of Actors: Friday 21 March

First Rehearsal: 22nd March 2014 2PM-7PM
Second Rehearsal:
Music Production Meeting: 15th March
Camera Crew Production Meeting: 26th March

Film Date's: 20th-21st April .

Edit Dates: 22nd-24th April

Music Composition- 14th-18th April 

Completion Dates- 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Final Major Project-Research

For my film I have looked into previous fairy tales, created by the brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson. Also how they have changed and developed from the originally storied that where quite horrific and graphic to the happy go lucky stories, Disney have shown us.

For example. In the original Cinderella the ugly step sister actually cut her toes off to fit them in the shoe. Disney doesn't show you that!

I have read many books the complete collection by Hans Christian Anderson, Including stories like the little girl with the red shoes.

I have also researched into the Grimm brothers. And there stories they have created.

Many of Hans christen Anderson's story's have already been made into films for example. Frozen was taken from the snow queen which was released in 2013. His first story to be made into a film was in 1948 with a film called "The Red Shoes" Many of his stories have been taken and re-made into films today. Most of the stories don't resemble the darkness of the stories written then.

The Grimm Brothers have also had many of there stories changed into film and even a tv series! They wrote stories such as Cinderella, Rapunzel and The frog prince.

I have also watched the films that Disney have created a much different story compared to those told by the original Writers.

The codes and conventions of a fairy-tale:

First of all what is a fairy-tale?

a fairy story.
synonyms:folk tale, folk story, traditional story, myth, legend, romance, fantasy, fable, fiction; More
"the film was inspired by a fairy tale"
  • something resembling a fairy story in being magical, idealized, or extremely happy.
    modifier noun: fairy-tale
    "a fairy-tale romance"
  • a fabricated story, especially one intended to deceive.

A fairy-tale of today is much different from those written by the Grimm Brothers and H.C Anderson back in 1800. They where shown to teach you something, a moral to each story. Now they only end in happily ever afters.

Research Bibliography
Cinderella- Disney Movie (1950)
Snow white- Disney Movie (1937)
Sleeping Beauty- Disney Movie (1959)

Hans Chrstian Anderson Fairy tales-  1835-1872
The Grimm Brothers- 1782-1787

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Colour Correction/Finesse





For all of these pictures we had to move the gain, gamma and pedestal. Either reducing the red green or blue to make the white balance correct. The IRS scale is from 0-100 we spread out the WFM to make sure we had full use of the scale, to create the best image. We had to make sure the RGB was all equal which meant we could then use the full IRS scale.