Thursday, 27 February 2014

Genre Theory

We are given two statements to choose from, one for the use of genre the other against the use of genre. I have to pick a side.  This is all under the idea of a world without genre. 

I believe that not having the use of genre stereotyping, would make life very hard. I believe that no matter what you will have a boundary of something and a genre can never be a boundary because you can cross the boundaries into more than one genre. For example Rom-Com is a cross genre and you can cross into as many genres as possible you can create a film thats fits some needs to every genre if you are creative enough. 

To have a world without genre would make life very difficult and eventually a genre based world would begin. Stereotyping may not be of the film but of the actors or the director. You may or may not choose to see a film by tim burton because you don't like the animation, there for missing out on Edward scissor  hands because you assume the same thing from the creator. 

So i believe that genre isn't a boundary. and that its actually very useful and in the end its inevitable. 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Communications for corporate promo

First Meeting With Client 
Email rough copy of corporate promo to client.
Written response to client brief 

James and the Giant Peach-Finish

James and the Giant peach-

Auteur Theory- 
Henry Selik?

Nightmare before Christmas
Monkey Bone
Theme of Animation 

Henry Selik has a distinct style using stop motion with models.
James and the giant peach is called a live action stop motion because there is a contrast between a live character (human) that then turns into a stop motion character as soon as he enters the peach and then once again returns to live action even though the stop motion characters remain morphed but in stop motion. 

Coraline also uses stop motion as well with a cross between the modern 3D advantages. And he also directed The nightmare before christmas which once again uses stop motion.

Henry Selik has a very similar style to Tim burton and quite often his films get mistaken for Tim Burtons work. 

He quite often makes short films of up to 9 mins- And they show his excentric style and taste.

Feminist Theory-
Two female characters who talk about something other than men.
Spider and Lady Bug

Psychoanalytic Theory-
Its Henry selik and tim burton, You could have a field day if you dive in deep enough. 
If you look on the internet then you find the theory has been applied to the book not the film making the research slightly harder because the analysis is of Roahl Dahl not Henry Selik 

(In the end i chose not to use this film as i couldn't find enough about it)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Psychoanalytic theories-Theories

Sigmond Freud: 
Founding father of Phychoanalysis (1856-1939) 
He argued that the human mind (both conscious and un conscious) is made up of three parts.

These parts where called THE EGO, THE SUPER EGO AND THE ID

This is the organised and realistic part of the brain this takes the command from the other two parts of the brain and deals with it all. This is the sensible part of the brain

This is the controlling part of the brain the part that tries to set limits as to what the ego can and cannot do (Like your parents)

This is the subconscious a mass of our desires and need that the EGO has to moderate (aka the kid that needs controlling) 

The trap door: 
 This is the ego, He is given commands from the voice upstairs and the tap door is the ID sometimes throwing out helpful things and bad things at the same time. 
The ID (The trap door) 
The Uncanny (1919)
that which reminds us of something from our childhood, long repressed, which now returns in an unfamiliar form”

something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange or uncomfortably strange or uncomfortably familiar"

For this we thought of ideas we came up with ideas such as chuck i child hood doll who is also a killer, The shinning with the two young girls who where victims of death. The woman in black has a room with children's stuff which is usually associated with life an happiness but is now associated with death. 

Jacques Lacan 
 "Mirror Phase" where children realise they are not one with the mother, hence we go through life trying to reconnect with the ‘real’ self and sense of wholeness that we experienced as children. Thus we seek the ‘objet petit a’ (the person or thing that will complete us) although it doesn’t actually exist.

Films that relate to this are such as "harry potter" where he is trying to find his parents and complete him self and and he has a duplication of himself inside Voldemort  The other idea for this is "mirror mirror" where the duplicate of the evil queen she is searching for more power and money and to stay the fairest in the land. 

More theories by Lacan:
The Imaginary Realm (which is how we identify with things pre-language)
The Symbolic Realm (which draws upon ideas of signifier and signified)
The Real  (which
we cannot reach but strive for regardless)
Jouissance’ means intense pleasure and intense pain; it’s what we feel as we approach ‘The Real’

Final point
If psychoanalytic film theory deals largely with the unconscious, and the reasons the mind acts the way it does…
Whose unconscious are we talking about here?

1.The unconscious of cinematic language.

2.The unconscious of the audience

3.The unconscious of the filmmaker

4.The unconscious of the character

Envy-Psychoanalytic Theory


Green snake- Green is the colour of envy and snakes are sly and can turn a human into a sneaky and cruel character willing to strike at any moment.

Train track: Can lead to a good or bad place you can be envious of the place others are going if your stack at one point in life. Every one says you must stay on the straight and narrow by this I feel like the representation is a train tack because at any point someone can fall off it you could be envious of the choices others have made to either follow there own path away from the train track or to continue on the straight and narrow a path you didn’t take.

Scene Idea

Two people standing on each side of the track just staring blankly at each other, no emotion, Out of the trees on each side comes to large snakes both green with red eyes and they slide over the tracks and cross paths. One neat a clean the other a slob one wishes there life was more relaxed the other wishes life was more structured. Behind the two people is very green grass but only the green grass is seen by the other person on the tracks when they look at their side it is desolate and isolated.

(The grass is always greener on the other side.

 This shows that one is envious of the other a visa versa.)